Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Engagement : Head Over Heels

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

First and foremost, I would like to express my disappointment over the recent New Year's Eve celebration that was held throughout Malaysia. Many said - we can't do anything besides praying for our brothers in Palestine who are still currently under fire assault from the Israelis army. Most of us who engaged and involved in the recent New Year's Eve celebration were Malays, Muslims. Woe unto us, for what we are doing now!

I couldn't imagine that we still have the heart to cherish and celebrate while our brothers and sisters in Palestine are suffering and dying. The money that was used for the celebration (I reckoned it has to be millions or if not hundred thousands) could have been used for the aid to the Palestinians. Too bad, the Zionist and the whites succeeded in promoting nationalism concept, seeded and planted deep inside every single Muslim all around the world and thus discouraging unity of one ummah.

Enough of babbling, too much talking and no action is pointless either. So now is 2009, my final year (hopefully insyaAllah) in BE of Mechanical Engineering in the University of Auckland. Now is also 1430 Hijrah. Among the famous current topic is new year's resolution. As for me, I definitely have some old goals and some new goals to achieve this year. Strive for the best, I will.

Secebis Doa Dalam Bercinta

Ya Allah, saat aku menyukai seorang insan
Ingatkanlah aku bahawa ianya akan berakhir
Sehingga aku tetap mengingatiMu yang tidak akan berakhir

Ya Allah, saat aku merindukan seorang kekasih
Rindukanlah aku pada rindu cinta sejatiMu
Agar kerinduanku terhadapMu semakin meningkat

Ya Allah, aku ingin mencintai seseorang sebagai pasangan hidupku
Maka temukanlah aku dengan orang yang mencintaiMu
Agar bertambah kuat cintaku padaMu

Ya Allah, ketika aku sedang dilamun cinta
Jagalah cinta itu agar tidak melebihi cintaku kepadaMu

Ya Allah, ketika aku mengucapkan kalimah cinta
Biarlah ianya kepada insan yang hatinya tertaut kepadaMu
Agar aku tidak jatuh dalam cinta yang bukan keranaMu

Ya Allah, kurniakanlah cintaMu
Cinta orang yang mencintaiMu
Serta kurniakanku amalan-amalan
Yang membawaku kepada cintaMu

Ya ikhwah wa akhawat fillah
Andai benar kau ingin dicintai
Oleh lelaki soleh dan wanita solehah
Maka tautkanlah cintamu kepada Allah
Pastinya Allah akan mentakdirkan yang terbaik untukmu

My journey is still far from the desired destination, yet my journey could just get halted and ended all of the sudden without warning. Be careful I shall, as I can sense that these coming years are going to be even tougher and more challenging in many ways that I've never experience before.

Destinasi Cinta - Mestica

والله علم
والسلام عليكم


rough_U_deen said...

Salam bro,
suspen2.. ape die matlamat yg belum tercapai tu?
heheh... harap2nya mantap..

Imran Razali said...


Ish nta baca gak entry ni? Susah2 ana sorok entry ni ingat takde orang perasan... haha

Matlamat yang belum tercapai tu taklah mantap pun.. biasa jer.. takpe nta doakanlah ana dapat capai matlamat tu secepat mungkin supaya lebih cepat ana boleh teruskan dengan ijab qabul :p

guardnconserve said...

Assalamualaikum bro :)

semoga tercapai segala y dirancangkan tuh :)..
amiin :) :)

Imran Razali said...


Eh ni ada sorang lagi yang boleh terjumpa entry ni, rajin korang tengok archive ek.. haha


sho said...
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Shariful Fadzli said...


nie baru nak komen. Ingat tny face2face, bleh dapat jawapan pasal 'matlamat' tuh, tapi hampa...huhuhu

Semoga matlamat dan impian ko tercapai. Insyallah.

Jgn lupa aku salah sorang follower blog nih.